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Complaint management

The aim of our complaint management is to make the processing of our dealers as easy as possible and to be informed about possible product defects.

Complaint of defective items

Complaints about defective items can be made through our merchant online platform at If you are not yet using our B2B platform, please contact our Customer Service. They will help you with your access data and, if required, a short guide to the shop usage.

When entering the claimed products, please indicate the date of sale, which is written on the sales slip submitted by the customer. For reasons of quality assurance, we reserve the right to request the reclaimed items incl. the receipt from the customer for inspection or have them checked by our sales force. The reclaimed articles incl. cash receipts are to be kept for six weeks. It is not possible to create credits.


An exchange into other sizes or in other product groups within a period of 6 months since first delivery is possible at any time. Incidental freight charges shall be borne by the dealer in this case.

Products purchased more than three months ago (90 days) will be charged at a discount of 35% on your previous purchase price.

An exchange of products bought more than half a year (180 days) ago is no longer possible.

Discontinued models that are marked in our price list with a special price can generally not be exchanged.

To process an exchange, please contact our Customer Service at the telephone number. +49 (0)8024/608980 or by e-mail:

The opening times of our Customer Services (CET) are as follows:
Monday to Thursday: 8.00am - 12.30pm and 1.30pm - 5.00pm
Friday: 8.00am - 12.30pm and 1.30pm - 3.00pm

Other returns

Returns for credit can only be accepted if there is a wrong or double delivery on our part. In this case, our Customer Service arranges a free collection order for you. Please note that we do not ship any goods on commission or for selection and do not accept such returns.

Unfortunately, we will have to return the shoes to you for reimbursement or credit, contrary to the above mentioned rules.

Credits are offset against other deliveries.

* plus shipping